We Belong launches its Manifesto for Change 2024.

This general election, we’re calling on the next government to support our #OutOfTheLoop campaign.

Panel of MP hosts Meg Hillier, Tim Farron, Tim Loughton sitting alongsde We Belong CEO Chrisann Jarrett MBE and Young Speaker Santiago.

On the 14th of May, more than 100 young migrants, 20 organisations, and 4 courageous young speakers gathered in Parliament to unite their voices and share their stories as part of "Our Democracy, Our Say"

This event was part of our #OutOfTheLoop campaign, aimed at raising awareness of the systemic barriers faced by over 330,000 young migrants in the UK. At the event, we also launched our Manifesto for Change; Calling for an end to spiralling fees, a reform to the fee waiver scheme and access to settlement for all eligible young people.

 We are calling on the next Government to:

1) Pledge to immediately end the spiral of unpredictable, unaffordable fee increases – which arrive with little warning, making it impossible for young migrants to budget or save to meet these costs.  

2) Deliver a comprehensive review of the current Home Office fees, including the impact on the lives of young migrants who have grown up in the UK, to inform a new, fairer route to settlement.  
3) Introduce an extension of fee waivers to cover indefinite leave to remain applications to ensure those on the lowest incomes are not locked out of attaining settled status, and to undertake a review of the existing fee waiver scheme to ensure all of those who need help to meet their Home Office fees can receive it.   

The young people we support, who have grown up in the UK and qualify for settlement, fear that unless fee waivers are extended to indefinite leave, their futures will be blighted by being endlessly stuck on a limited leave to remain loop. Many have had job offers withdrawn or missed out on work or educational opportunities because of their limited leave status.  

No one wants to see young lives blighted in this way. If you want to help young migrants get #OutOfTheLoop, Add your name to our Manifesto via Action Network and urge the government to support our campaign!  

Sign our Manifesto

Background to the #OutOfTheLoop campaign

In the last parliamentary term, the Home Office recognised young migrants who have been living in the UK for most of their lives and were trapped in a long route and unaffordable to settlement. They reduced the route to settled status from 10 years to 5 for young people in our position. However, this progress was undermined by a subsequent hike in the cost of each Limited Leave to Remain application (LLR). 

This year, young migrants applying for LLR will pay up to £3,845, an astonishing 540% rise since 2014. These soaring fees make it financially challenging for many of us to maintain lawful status, causing instability and uncertainty for our futures.  With the #OutOfTheLoop campaign, we are working to raise awareness about the impact of spiralling Home Office fees and the financial burden it places on young migrants as well as the toll it takes on our mental health during a cost-of-living crisis. With these conditions, we cannot afford our settlement applications and must remain in a loop of temporary status.

"We are asking for young people to be able to get on with their lives free from immigration control so that no one is left behind." 

Chrisann Jarrett, MBE, CEO of We Belong

Supporters of the #OutOfTheLoop campaign!

Tim Farron directing his opening remarks at a room full of young people for We Belong's Parliamentary event.

 "Having to pay a renewal subscription is the state saying to you that you are not properly British. I want to say to you in this place that you are British. We are keen to support you and keen to be here for the long run. We are committed to supporting you to make sure there are fee waivers and that the route to settlement is straightforward and affordable." 
- Tim Farron, Liberal Democrat Party

Meg Hillier supporting the Out Of The Loop campaign alongside our Policy Lead Mariam and Policy Consultant Aidan

"I have so many constituents trying to navigate this issue. Young people who came here as children and had no say in that decision. They have never been anywhere else, and they should be able to become British very easily." 
  - Dame Meg Hillier, Labour & Co-op Parliamentary Candidate for Hackney South & Shoreditch

Tim Loughton adressing the audience's questions.

"We Belong is one of the most impressive charities I have dealt with. The quality of the people who pitch for you and who are running this organisation is really impressive...We Belong is going about it in the right way. They really know what they are talking about and there is a real injustice here. Young people are being left in limbo for no good reason." 

Tim Loughton, former MP for East Worthing & Shoreham and former Children's Minister

Other ways you can help?

We must continue to spread awareness of the #OutOfTheLoop campaign to reach more young people who are in this situation. Also inform electoral candidates, future MPs and decision-makers about this issue that heavily impacts hundreds of thousands of young migrants who call the UK home.  
1. You can download and share our Manifesto for Change and Official Campaign Briefing Paper with your electoral candidate and future MPs to make them aware of this issue.
2. You can also learn more about our work and the young migrants we support by contacting our Policy and Public Affairs Lead. Reach out to us at info@webelong.org.uk  

However, the most effective way is to Sign our Manifesto via Action Network and urge the government to support the #OutOfTheLoop campaign and show your support on social media!  
 With your support, we can help young migrants get out of the Home Office loop and on with our lives.