We Belong welcomes the New Immigration Rules which will come in force today making it faster and more affordable for young people who have grown up in the UK to get Indefinite Leave to Remain, cutting the time in half from ten years to a five-year route.
The Concession on early settlement announced in October 2021 is now transposed into law in addition to new rules which broaden eligibility and enable all children on the private life route to receive settlement after five years.
Here is a summary and where to find further information:
Young people and children who have grown up in the UK:
For children who weren’t born in the UK but have lived here for 7 years continuously, there is a new accelerated route enabling them to get ILR after five years leave instead of ten, subject to other criteria listed in the rules.
The same applies to young people who are between 18 and 24 years old and have lived continuously in the UK for more than half their lives.
For children born in the UK:
They will be able to apply for indefinite leave to remain after reaching age seven, subject to residence and reasonable conditions.
Children and young people under private life:
Can now apply for 30 months leave or 60 months leave. Appendix Private Life now provides an option for those who are eligible for the route to choose whether to apply for 30 months or 60 months permission.
The rules and the explanatory notes can be found here
The new rules for long residence:

Application Fees
To find out how much you will need to pay, read the latest Home Office guidance on UK immigration and nationality fees.
You will need to pay the health surcharge as part of this application, unless you fall into one of the exempt categories. To find out more about the health surcharge, see here.
If you cannot afford to pay the application fee and health surcharge, you can apply for a fee waiver. JCWI has guidance on how to apply for a fee wavier here
If you would like further guidance, please contact We Belong at info@webelong.org.uk. We Belong are not able to provide legal advice but are able to provide information, clarification and support. We recommend anyone interested in making an application consults a lawyer.
Are you curious about the rules and need more information? We Belong will be hosting an information session in July 2022. Exact dates to be confirmed. Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date (@webelong19)